WP&B is excited to announce our acquisition of the HP PageWide XL 8000. With the HP PageWide XL 8000 we are now able to produce plans that provide beautiful shades of gray and color. With this new equipment there are three major benefits to you: better legibility in shaded areas, improved redlines and markup drawings, and more cost effective color renderings.

Better legibility in shaded areas

This is a photo of a print from our standard black and white LED printer.

This is a photo of a print from the HP Pagewide XL. Notice the smooth grayscale imagery and the fine line details.


Redline and Markup drawings

We are now able to provide redline and markup drawings for multiple sets of drawings at the same speed as traditional black and white prints. We have also reduced the price of our redline drawings making it easier for you to include color in your redline or markup drawings.

Add More Color Renderings

Our new printer does a great job at printing renderings within plans. While we have always had the ability to provide color renderings in drawings sets, we are now able to provide that service at a reduced the price which provides a more enhance your drawing set.

Additional Benefits and Information

One of the best parts to our implementation of this new technology is that you don’t need to make a special request, we are steadily moving all of work to this new technology so you will be seeing the benefits soon. If you have questions or would like to see how a comparison print, please contact Jeff Morin at (503) 223-5011 or send an email through our website.